Ładowanie Wydarzenia

" Wszystkie Wydarzenia

Konwencja i targi przemysłu bydlęcego NCBA 

4 lutego 2025 6 lutego 2025 r.

The Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show is agriculture’s premier event where the industry comes together to get down to business for the cattle industry. Cattlemen and women from across the country will gather for over three days of education, fellowship, networking and business.  

Zinpro® is excited to share details and information at the show on how trace minerals play a crucial role in the health and wellbeing of cattle throughout all life stages. Additionally, our team will be available to provide additional details about the newly launched Zinpro® Verified Program. 

Stop by Booth #2053 to visit with our experts and learn more about our approach to cattle health and nutrition.  

Wydarzenia organizowane przez Zinpro

Wednesday, February 5 

10:00 am – Cattle Chat with Clay Burson  

Thursday, February 6 

10:00 am – Cattle Chat with Clay Burson  

Eksperci Zinpro

Connie Larson
Clay Burson
Dr Chris Ashworth




4 lutego 2025
6 lutego 2025 r.


Rachel Booth-Summers
900 E. Market Street
San Antonio, Teksas 78205 Stany Zjednoczone
+ Mapa Google

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