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Zinpro Publishes 350th Peer-Reviewed Research Paper

4 minute read

While many trace mineral companies try to prove the quality and effectiveness of their products with field trials, we at Zinpro scientifically prove the effectiveness of our performance trace minerals by publishing well-controlled peer-reviewed research. 

Zinpro already has more peer-reviewed research publications than any other trace mineral company in the world. Our library achieved another milestone in 2024 when we published our 350th peer-reviewed trace mineral research study. That’s 350 studies validating and providing scientific proof that Zinpro Performance Minerals® outperform inorganic and other organic sources of trace minerals in the animal production and pet food industries.

What Is Peer-Reviewed Trace Mineral Research, and How Is it Different from a Field Trial? 

Peer-reviewed research is a scientifically sound investigation, in controlled conditions, of cause and effect, typically including several rounds of review by unbiased third-party experts. A field trial, on the other hand, is simply a big-picture look that involves many uncontrolled factors and assumptions.

Learn more: Field Trials vs. Peer-Reviewed Trace Minerals Research: What’s the Difference?

There are three main requirements for a study to qualify as peer-reviewed research:

  1. It must have a quality research design that can be replicated by other scientists. Other researchers should be able to use the same types of animals in the same conditions and achieve the same results.
  2. There must be a proper and accurate statistical analysis. If the stats aren’t analyzed correctly, researchers will not be able to draw confident conclusions from their work.
  3. It must be reviewed by an independent third party who has no vested interest in Zinpro or our products. After multiple rounds of review, the research must be approved by these third-party reviewers in order to be published.

Peer-Reviewed Trace Mineral Research Provides Insight to Value

Our peer-reviewed trace mineral research provides livestock, poultry and aquaculture producers with scientifically proven results, giving them confidence that Zinpro Performance Minerals are the best choice for improving animal performance. Pet parents can rest assured that pet food formulated with our performance trace minerals can help their pets live long, healthy, comfortable lives. 

Our peer-reviewed research can also provide insight into the economic value of our performance trace minerals. For example, 1.26 billion metric tons of animal feed are produced each year, and our peer-reviewed research proves that performance trace minerals improve feed efficiency by 2%–4%. This equals a minimum of 25 million metric tons (44 billion pounds) of feed saved each year. This can save producers approximately $7.5 billion, depending on the cost of the feed. 

Additionally, producing less feed results in a smaller carbon footprint, leading to a more sustainable animal production industry. 

To learn more about our peer-reviewed trace mineral research or about formulating your feed program with performance trace minerals, contact your Zinpro representative today.